So it's been a while since our last post here on brainless arts. I'm aware we only missed one weekend but that's a while for us. We internet blog post voices lead short lives. Anyway, Alec and I missed were busy hiding from zombies this past weekend which is why there were no new comics. I say this because I'm sure our die hard brainless fans (I know you exist) were wondering where the hell we were. We managed to fight off the zombies and are perfectly safe.
Here's the state of things:
New comics will be here this Saturday and Sunday per yousg (not sure that's how that's spelled).
Haunted has run into an audio issue. How we make progress on that is being reevaluated.
The album is waiting on a condenser mic. If anyone wants to lend us one, leave a comment or send us a message.
We'll be posting a new video of Alec and I playing music, just as soon as his computer stops being an ass.
That's what I got. See you here for Mako and Brainless Comics this weekend.