- Harry L-B
p.s. If you liked today's haiku there's a T-Shirt color version of it in the store as well as a shirt depicting a building where you could get your loved one's buried for cheap. If you don't get that reference, head to the music page.
If you've seen me do my haikus you know this one already. However, I wanted to make a shirt out of it but before I could do that I needed to justify it with a comic. I actually rather like how the comic turned out so, I think it was a good choice. Skull-Guy Wednesday!
- Harry L-B p.s. If you liked today's haiku there's a T-Shirt color version of it in the store as well as a shirt depicting a building where you could get your loved one's buried for cheap. If you don't get that reference, head to the music page.
Sorry it's late! No witty stuff to say today. Must be on my way. Tomorrow's a new Brainless Comics!
- Harry L-B The adventures of ninja Mako continue! Who is that guy that Mako barged in on? Who knows? Probably the writer! Not sure if we'll have a new Troll tomorrow. I'll let you know.
- Harry L-B I feel like Superman has never had this issue. I mean, if he has I get why they don't put it in the comics, boring, but I'd like them to do it once just to know that it happens. Even if they did I'd never find out as I'd have to start reading Superman to find out. I mean I loooove Superman, just in case some DC comics executive is seeing this . . . he's sooo interesting. There's totally more than one interesting story about an unstoppable god man. Totally.
See you Saturday for Mako. - Harry L-B At first this was going to be a redo of an old haiku for the sake of making a shirt out of it. Then I thought it would be cool to draw a robot arm. The attachments coming out of the arm are this: Drawing stylus (so I'm no longer worried about losing it), a buzz saw (just because), and a USB cable (so I can download movies on to it and watch Star Trek on my wrist). Skull-Guy Wednesday.
Also have I made it clear enough that we have a store now? Small update. I was bored so I finally put a store together. There wasn't a way to do it in this website so it links out to Cafe Press. As of now there's just some T-shirts. But cool T-Shirts. I'll add stuff like posters and prints some other time. Sorry in advance as it looks kinda bare bones, but that's how it's gonna be for now.
Here's a link: http://www.cafepress.com/brainlessarts I'll make a new 'Store' page but all it's really gonna have is a prettier link. So everyone welcome Emily to Brainless. She'll be writing our new character the Troll, until she gets bored with it, or, more likely, I realize I can't do four comics a week. I'm lazy. Might need to do an alternating thing with another one or something. Not sure yet.
- Harry L-B The Mako is undercover and may have ninja powers! How can you miss what comes next!? Probably fairly easily but I'll think it's real cool if you come back.
- Harry L-B I'm not sure today's post's title fits, but the fact that it rhymes does. That's all for this week. Next week we'll finally be introducing that new character written by Emily Schneider. Not sure what day. Hadn't really planned for four comics a week. May be too much for me really. Mako will still be here on Saturday so be here for that!
- Harry L-B There are very few plots that have done time travel in a way that I don't find tiresome. I would have some strong words for fans of a certain Doctor (Hint: he travels time and his last name isn't Brown) today, but as our fan base is already tiny I'm not sure I can afford to point out that upside down trash cans are not a valid villain. If you don't hate me, Skull-Guy on Wednesday folks.
- Harry L-B |
What is this?I make stuff. This is where I put that stuff.
December 2013