- Harry L-B
This is my favorite Skull-Guy so far. We should have our third (and last. no more after that) hero comic showing up next week or the week after that. So that'll be cool. More on that later. Til then, see you Saturday for the next Mako.
- Harry L-B This is the reason I will at times consider just never speaking out loud. Be here Wednesday for a new Skull-Guy!
- Harry L-B Thank you Alec for scripting the easiest to draw comic on the site to date. I think this whole comic took like fifteen minutes. Feels like cheating. Be here Monday for a new Brainless Comics where we'll hear more from the new character Trudy.
- Harry L-B And that's skull guy for this week. We'll start it all over again with a new the Mako on Saturday. See you then.
-Harry L-B So I noticed that there have been maybe two other girl characters in our comics so far, and not as main characters. To avoid the inevitable sexism thing when we're rich, famous, and everyone is wearing t-shirts with our characters on them, and we're talking about the Mako/Skull-Guy movie cross over, but no one is sure it will get off the ground because Joss Whedon is busy with other projects, but it does get made and is totally awesome!
It's important to have dreams. Anyway, new character, haven't pinned down a name for her yet. See you Wednesday for Skull-Guy. -Harry L-B The more you follow superheroes, the more you begin to realize how many of them have the super power to dig. Any time info is needed they "did some digging". I am becoming convinced that "I did some digging" means "I googled it." Monday is Brainless. See you then.
-Harry L-B The continuing adventures of Skull-Guy! I hope someone actually reads this character. I think he's neat. If you just want more Mako that'll be here on Saturday
-Harry L-B Brainless jokes sometimes come from my real life. These means they're not always funny, to everybody. However, gamers in the crowd should post a comment if a similar situation has happened to them. New Skull-Guy on Wednesday. I actually drew a really good one for him today, but I'm like three weeks ahead for him, so you won't see that one for a while. Skull-Guy this week will still be alright though. See you then!
-Harry L-B Be back next week to see what was exposed! Expositioned? Either way, be here Monday for a new Brainless. Other NewsSo Comixology has opened up their site to submissions from independent creators. Last evening I submitted the first issue of my first full length 22 page comic for review. Hopefully it gets through whatever review process they have and then you'll be able to purchase it through them for .99. And if they don't take it I'll figure something else out. So that's a thing.
Also it's Alec's birthday. Yeay Alec! -Harry L-B |
What is this?I make stuff. This is where I put that stuff.
December 2013