- Harry L-B
Finally we meet the dark ninja, for whom I don't have a cool name for yet. And since Skull-Guy is a full day late, here's some bonus art of one of my favorite super heroes. Also the new schedule breaks down like this. Gonna do two comics a week alternating titles.
Week 1: Saturday - Mako, Wednesday -Skull-Guy Week 2: Saturday - Troll Wednesday - Brainless Comics - Harry L-B Starting to think 4 comics a week is too much for me to keep up with. Might scale back soon in the future. I'll get back to you on that.
- Harry L-B Keep in mind that for a long time Wonder Woman, the Amazon, had a freaking invisible plane, and that character wasn't a comedy. See you next week.
- Harry L-B The art style from the first two panels is a callback to the orange ninja's history. I'm sure a couple of you get it. See you Saturday for a new Mako everybody.
- Harry L-B Admit it. You would watch that movie, knowing it would likely not be very good. In other news, the prototype and kickstarter for the Lost Fairy should be up later this week. That'll be cool. See you Saturday for the Mako.
- Harry L-B Drawing crossed arms is harder than it should be and I'm still not totally happy with how it turned out. I like the rest of today's comic though. You should too.
ANNOUNCEMENT! Some people have already heard, but I'm working on a video game! Remember those images with the fairy in it ages ago? No? Well they're on the random art page. Anyway I found I program I like and most of the art and game system are finished. You can play a condensed version with the basic mechanics on the new game page. Cool right? Mostly. As I said it's not done, but it could be with help. I'm going to be launching a kickstarter in the near future to raise the money to finish/publish it. So another thing to let me know is what some cool rewards you'd like to see could be. I'll make an announcement when the kickstarter starts via facebook/twitter. That'll be cool. To finish out the week here's our last art for 100 Week. Later, - Harry L-B Yes the part of the magic scarf that turns into a hammer is named Dingo. That's all for comics this week. But hey! Big deal! We'll have our 100th comic next week! To celebrate I've drawn some cool wallpaper/backdrops/whatevers for each comic. Also other cool announcements. So yeah. Be here.
- Harry L-B |
What is this?I make stuff. This is where I put that stuff.
December 2013