- Harry L-B
Only a day late! Getting back in the rhythm of things. Also, you should follow this blog here http://pleasesendhelp.weebly.com/.
- Harry L-B
Lost the keys to my apartment and spent today just wondering about Milwaukee. I am so very very sorry for today's (tonight's really) comic. - Harry L-B
So in this comic it may appear my 2D self is a coward. Not so. See I've tried to kill many bugs in my life, and unless you vaporize them in the first shot, they always seem to keep going. So when you visit my apartment and feel the awkward need to ask what the grenades are for, now you know.
the Lost Fairy Update So here's the deal. The Chrome store was having difficulty with my game and allowing downloads. So I've put it here on my website. Still for free, but there's a couple steps. 1. Download the correct version (windows/mac) from the links page. 2. Unzip the file. 3. In the unzipped file click The Lost Fairy application. (there will be a little compass icon) 4. Enjoy! . . . ? See you all Wednesday for Skull-Guy. - Harry L-B Wanted to do a full sheet panel with a simple joke. It looks cute and is creepy. Works for me. Wednesday for Skull-Guy!
- Harry L-B Something was up with my tablet so the lines on this are a bit weird. Other stuff: taking a short break from working on The Last Fairy (which if you haven't checked out the demo, you should) to dust off some music stuff today. Meeting up with D.B. Rouse to do some recording. Should be a grand time.
See you Wednesday for Skull-Guy! - Harry L-B Haven't done one of these genre parody's in a while. Having just rewatched Event Horizon, I thought now was a good time. In other news I just got a bunch of scripts from Emily, the writer of the Troll, so that'll be back next week. Yeay. Also if you haven't tried out The Lost Fairy, please hop over to its page and give it a try. See you Wednesday for Skull-Guy.
- Harry L-B I feel partially responsible for what happened to Ted as I'm the one who asked him to stand in that panel in the first place. I know I shouldn't blame myself . . . so I won't.
Been meaning to do this one for a while and I didn't have any better ideas for today. Wednesdays are Skulldays . . . Skull-Guy on Wednesday. - Harry L-B If you don't get this joke, check out the first comic ever on this site. It's been a long road. Art has gotten a little better. The site looks a little cooler. In the end though, it's still a place for me to try to get people to look at my nonsense, and laugh.
- Harry L-B And a similar statement to anyone who makes shampoo, toothbrushes, or razors. Seriously. It's a tiny blade on a stick. Unless it shaves me with lasers it's not really a noteworthy advancement. Skull-Guy Wednesday.
- Harry L-B |
What is this?I make stuff. This is where I put that stuff.
December 2013