- Harry L-B
Hey look an Orange Ninja! I wonder what that's a reference to. The following story arc will introduce a new Skull-Guy enemy and explain his powers a bit. I've been wanting to get around to that and it should be good fun. Mako on Saturday folks. See you then!
- Harry L-B
I feel like Superman has never had this issue. I mean, if he has I get why they don't put it in the comics, boring, but I'd like them to do it once just to know that it happens. Even if they did I'd never find out as I'd have to start reading Superman to find out. I mean I loooove Superman, just in case some DC comics executive is seeing this . . . he's sooo interesting. There's totally more than one interesting story about an unstoppable god man. Totally.
See you Saturday for Mako. - Harry L-B I'm not sure today's post's title fits, but the fact that it rhymes does. That's all for this week. Next week we'll finally be introducing that new character written by Emily Schneider. Not sure what day. Hadn't really planned for four comics a week. May be too much for me really. Mako will still be here on Saturday so be here for that!
- Harry L-B So I decided to do a fun colored background every panel for this one. Not sure why. Probably because grey city is boring. I think it looks cool. Draws the eye and such. And I don't think we've done an actual action sequence since the first Mako. Which was a while ago now. Any way, new Mako on Saturday.
- Harry L-B I am no longer ahead with my comics. Drat. Gonna have to start making time to draw again. This one was ok right? Right imaginary person I pretend is our audience and is wearing one of our t-shirts which I will totally get around to figuring out how to make soon? Cool. Thanks imaginary audience person. You say just the right thing. Next week Mako on Saturday.
- Harry L-B This is my favorite Skull-Guy so far. We should have our third (and last. no more after that) hero comic showing up next week or the week after that. So that'll be cool. More on that later. Til then, see you Saturday for the next Mako.
- Harry L-B And that's skull guy for this week. We'll start it all over again with a new the Mako on Saturday. See you then.
-Harry L-B The continuing adventures of Skull-Guy! I hope someone actually reads this character. I think he's neat. If you just want more Mako that'll be here on Saturday
-Harry L-B |
What is this?I make stuff. This is where I put that stuff.
December 2013