Tomorrow. Brainless. Woot.
- Harry L-B
So the Troll is a day late cus I was freaking tired yesterday and couldn't be bothered to do anything but nap. And since doing more than one comic a day messes up my whole system, your new Brainless will be here tomorrow. Sorry about the mix up, is what it is. I'm still tired so I'm gonna go nap some more.
Tomorrow. Brainless. Woot. - Harry L-B
Now both of our biggest heroes are at least aware of each other. Are we gearing up for the best team up since Batman and Superman? Who knows?! We do! Not you. It's a secret. Stop asking! The Troll continues tomorrow!
- Harry L-B So in this comic it may appear my 2D self is a coward. Not so. See I've tried to kill many bugs in my life, and unless you vaporize them in the first shot, they always seem to keep going. So when you visit my apartment and feel the awkward need to ask what the grenades are for, now you know.
the Lost Fairy Update So here's the deal. The Chrome store was having difficulty with my game and allowing downloads. So I've put it here on my website. Still for free, but there's a couple steps. 1. Download the correct version (windows/mac) from the links page. 2. Unzip the file. 3. In the unzipped file click The Lost Fairy application. (there will be a little compass icon) 4. Enjoy! . . . ? See you all Wednesday for Skull-Guy. - Harry L-B I got no news today. It's my Dad's birthday, that's cool. Nothing comic related though.
Tomorrow a new Brainless. - Harry L-B If someone starts that petition and gets signatures . . . I was gonna say I'd do something crazy, but I probably wouldn't follow through. Tomorrow the Troll continues her journey!
The Lost Fairy is now free on the Google Chrome Web Store. Decided the project was mostly me teaching myself how to build a game and it doesn't seem fair to charge people for that. The next game Connection Lost you'll have to pay for though. - Harry L-B Keep in mind that for a long time Wonder Woman, the Amazon, had a freaking invisible plane, and that character wasn't a comedy. See you next week.
- Harry L-B Wanted to do a full sheet panel with a simple joke. It looks cute and is creepy. Works for me. Wednesday for Skull-Guy!
- Harry L-B Thank you Emily for one of the easiest comics to draw ever. The Troll is going on a little journey for the next few weeks making a stop in each of these exotic locations. Excited? Yes. You are.
Other News: The Game's Done! The Lost Fairy is done! Yeay. I was unable to work out the kinks and get it onto mobile devices so instead you can buy it here for google chrome. There will also be a link on the links page. I wanted to sell it for a buck but two was the minimum. It's a shortish arcade game with a bit of story, creepy atmosphere, and cameos of fairy versions of some characters you may recognize (ha-wink). For my first game, barely knowing what I was doing going in, I'm proud of it and learned a lot. That being said, my next game Connection Lost (working title (maybe)) is already in the works. That one will be coming out for mobile devices and computer. But that's a ways out. See ya tomorrow for a new Brainless Comics! - Harry L-B "We've been planning this all along!" they said in the voice of Grant Morrison. Well we've been planning on doing something like this ever since Damian Wayne was killed off in Batman Inc. Such a lame way to kill a cool character. I like ours better. New Troll tomorrow so be here for that!
- Harry L-B |
What is this?I make stuff. This is where I put that stuff.
December 2013